Dementia Care

Dementia Care

Dementia Care

We provide care and support services to individuals with a diagnosis of dementia ,Alzheimer’s Lewy bodies and Parkinson’s disease.

We provide high quality care for are clients who have a cognitive impairment. And with the increasing numbers of people being diagnosed, it is important that access to home care and support is available.

We understand that dementia  can seriously affect daily living, and quality of life.

cognitive impairment can affect all people of all ages.

Without the right support this can become a very stressful time for the individual and their loved ones.

we are here to help.

We provide person centered care and support with a focus on outcomes to achieve quality of life. We also team up with case workers, social workers, safeguarding, advocates, family members, friends, and others working with individuals to support them to remain as independent as possible while residing at home.

we are a family and we believe you cant put a price on quality of life.